


History of Holistic Facials

Stress affects our whole body the results of which can often be seen clearly in the face.  Prolonged stress causes tension in the muscles of the face and can lead to tension, headaches and migraines.


In the same way massage can relax the muscles in the rest of a client's body, a Holistic Facial Massage can soothe and stimulate the nerve endings of the skin, improve skin texture and elasticity, increase circulation as well as producing a sense of well being. 


The therapist will complete an initial assessment.  This will include choosing the products which will be used during the course of the treatment, taking into consideration the client's skin type, age, skin allergies or any other conditions.

The client will normally lie on a massage couch for the treatment, the face is cleansed and toned then moisturised.  Essential oils may also be used during the course of the treatment to improve the condition of the skin.

Copyright © 2007 Kenneth M Easdon - Holistic Therapist
Last modified: October 2007